Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Underwater World

Recently I got to take a trip through Guam's aquarium, Underwater World. One of my new friends from hashing, Elaina, works at Underwater World and invited me on a special VIP personal tour. Of course I jumped at the chance. Underwater World showcases fish that inhabit the waters around Guam. Elaina demonstrated her knowledge and skill as she guided me through the glass tunnel of the main aquarium. It was an incredible tour. I'll let the fish speak for themselves.
I renamed this fish the "Drag queen Fish"
Close second, "Tammy Fey Backer Fish"

If you step on this Stone Fish, you will probably die.

From the poison
(its poisonous - the poison will kill you)

Unless you get immediate medical attention in which case you might live but languish in the hospital for several months wishing you were dead

and still die.
In conclusion, don't step on this fish.

The infamous Brown Tree Snake.
It looks like I caught him getting undressed.
How embarrassing for him - screw you Brown Tree Snake!

This hurt turtle washed up on shore recently.

Behind the scenes, or rather above them

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hurray! The long awaited blog at last! Wow, how lucky for you to have such a nice a knowledgeable friend as this "Elaina" you speak of. She sounds almost saintly :) Ben, seriously dude, you are HILLARIOUS! The BTS comment still has me laughing... and the stonefish.. Oh my gosh.. freakin hillarious..